the archive of the trees
oak 1

Planted before 1923.
We don't know if this tree grew from an acorn or was planted as a sapling as part of forest management by the land owners prior to the Forestry Commission taking over Fineshade Wood.
Trunk circumference at coring height: 210 cm.
Tree rings are confirmed back to 1945 as the corer couldn't reach the tree's centre. One of the interesting aspects of this art project is that trees still protect the secrets of their early lives.
The focus of the tree/human narrative is about tree management.
Oak trees are cold and generally wind hardy, but can be damaged by late spring frosts. They can tolerate shade and can grow well on mineral soils with poor or medium nutrients.
This specific tree is healthy. It’s heartwood starts in 2003. Its periods of stressed growth were 2005-6 and 1972-1954. It also grew very little due to the 1976 heat wave. It grew very well between 1977-2001, showing both early (spring/early summer) and late (end of growing season) wood formation.
There’s no evidence of oak decline in this tree, despite Processionary Oak Moth travelling up the country, due to rising temperatures.
1953 Before felling a tree, we would cut round it with an axe about six feet up from the ground and peel off all the bark.
The bark dyed your hands a deep purple.
When you finished at the end of the day your hands were dark - you couldn’t get it off.
Gordon (text accessed though Kingscliffe archive)